A touch of Vintage
"Looking back to move forward." What a beautiful sentiment that is. 2020 sure gave us some extra time to think about what is really important in life, and I am sure we can all agree that FAMILY came out at the top of almost everyone's list.

With all the restrictions, lockdowns, and restricted travel taking place in the world, seeing our extended families has been more challenging. I decided to start 2021 looking back to move forward: the people, places and events that have shaped who each of us is today, and the thread that binds us all together. My grandmother was my sewing inspiration! She raised 6 children in the 50s/60s and then was widowed at a young age... She made her living by opening up a sewing and knitting store and sewing and designing custom wedding dresses. She always had thread or yard in her hands. My sister and I would go for occasional sleepover's to her cottage when she was retired. She INSPIRED my design creativity by giving me a handmade rag doll she made and a box of fabric scraps. She taught me to use my imagination to make clothes, and patterns for my play! I am so thankful for her influence on me and the two doll patterns in this collection are dedicated to her memory!

So when I saw Lori Holt's NEW Flea Market collection for Riley Blake Designs, I KNEW this was the collection I had to sew these dolls with. Playing with these fabrics reminded me of the endless possibilities of rummaging through that basket of scrap fabric at my Grandma's cottage. Each pattern, color and fabric is unique and different in this collection, yet somehow that all come together in harmony! It really does represent what I want 2021 to be about!

This doll sleepover set would be be complete without a doll bed quilt so I designed the Vintage Exploding Star MINI quilt. It has lots of traditional elements like a star block, but with a modern twist that is actually a 9-patch within a 9-patch within a 9-patch! It makes me so happy how it turned out! All those colors coming from the center and bursting out! This happy quilt is definitely going to be hung for all to enjoy!.
Pattern: Vintage Exploding Star MINI Quilt

The "Sleepover at Grandma's" sign I designed as a fun add on. It is an embroidery machine pattern and will only be available in the Sleepover at Grandma's Pattern Bundle as a GIFT!
Pattern: Sleepover at Grandma's BUNDLE

You can head over to my shop to find these NEW patterns:
1) Vintage Grandma Doll - Embroidery Machine Pattern
2) Sleepover Child Doll - Embroidery Machine Pattern
3) Vintage Bursting Star MINI Quilt Pattern
4) or grab the entire Sleepover at Grandma's BUNDLE with special bonus
"Sleepover at Grandma's" sign. Only available in the bundle!

Don't forget to ask your local quilt shops to carry the entire line of #fleamarketfabric by Lori Holt - Riley Blake Designs. You will have so much fun playing with all the variety - I promise! Happy 2021 my friends! Happy to be moving forward into a new year and thankful for all that life has taught us so far!... Happy Sewing!

#sleepoveratgrandmas #vintagegrandmadoll #sleepoverhilddoll #vintageexplodingstar #fleamarketfabric #loriholt #beeinmybonnet #rileyblakedesigns #iloverileyblake #modernragdollmaking #miniquilt #dollquilt