Be A Superhero
It is with great excitement that I share with you a peek at my first fabric collection as a Riley Blake Designer! Shipping August 2022! Shops can pre-order this fabric now on Riley Blake Website!!!

About the Line
From ordinary to extraordinary. That is the story of every superhero! Whether you are a child taking care of a lost cat, a teenager standing up for a friend, a mother reading to her child every night, or a front-line worker helping those in need... each of these people have on thing in common; they are simply a regular person that is putting someone else's need ahead of their own.

THAT makes them a superhero!!!

Let's use these panels to inspire makers to use their sewing talents to lift others up!

Whether it is a teaching the next generation through acts of kindness, active role-play that empowers children to see themselves as capable superheroes, to gifting a handmade doll to show gratitude to any-aged superhero in your life!

Let the message be heard loud an clear that everyone can "Be A Superhero!"

Together let's make Dolls, Capes, Quilts, Pillows and more to really empower each other and share the possibility of empowerment! Check out the Riley Blake Designs "Be A Superhero" Storyboard HERE!

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