Beaded Curtains Quilt Pattern

If you know me, you know I LOVE color! I love how colors can play with each other to change the mood or feeling. I love how colors and designs can conjure up memories and emotions. So there was definitely no question that I wanted to design a quilt pattern for Paintbrush Studio Fabrics inspired by Sumana Ghosh-Witherspoon's fabric line Indian Summer

The fabrics in this line are are a combination of watercolor washes and traditional rubber stamp printmaking, highlighting patterns and symbols inspired by the indigenous art of India. It also features endangered animals like the tiger and green peafowl, as well as bold abstract prints.
I wanted to design a pattern that would give each of these prints a chance to shine, while still tying the whole quilt together. As a child, I enjoyed running through beaded curtains to see the MAGIC that lay on the other side! And so, Beaded Curtains Quilt Pattern was designed! This pattern is a FREE pattern and you can download your own copy by heading over to the Paintbrush Studio Fabrics' website.
If you do make your own version of this quilt, please tag me @beesewinspired and use the hashtag #beadedcurtains #paintbrushstudiofabrics and #beesewinspired