Do You Know An Ordinary Superhero?
The Be A Superhero movement is happening NOW!

Quilters all around the globe are joining together to lift others up by sewing the empowering "Be A Superhero" Quilt! I love that this pattern has inspired quilters, grandparents, friends and family to use their sewing talents and gifts to make the world a better place! This is an empowerment quilt that is designed to transform it's recipient into a SUPERHERO! Whether it is a child going through cancer treatments, or coming home from school after being bullied and needing a pick-me-up... All you need to do is lay under this quilt and you can't help but smile because you have BECOME a Superhero!!

This quilt is not just for children though... who are the Superheroes in your life? The families that are homeschooling their children during a pandemic? The children and teachers going to school wearing masks and learning new social rules? The front-line workers helping out communities EVERY SINGLE DAY! Nurses, doctors, grocery store clerks, firefighters, neighbors, postal and transport workers, friends and family..... The meaning behind the "Be A Superhero" quilt pattern series is just that... to visually transform the recipient into a Superhero! When someone stands behind, or lays underneath the Be A Superhero quilt... THEY become the Superhero! A true empowerment quilt!
Don't forget to make a matching Superhero Doll!!! The Doll patterns come in both Sewing Machine and Embroidery Machine pattern

For the sample quilts and dolls, I was so excited to get the chance to sew with Christopher Thompson's Blossom Basic Fabric for Riley Blake Designs! The fabric colors are so vibrant and the tiny, little blossom details look like SPARKLES! I really feel like ii the perfect fabric for these cover quilts because when you at a distance the fabric looks solid... but the closer you are to the superhero... the more of the special blossom/sparkle you will see. Isn't that so true also for all the REAL, ordinary superhero's in our life. The closer we get to them, the more AMAZING we can see who they are!!!

I wanted to support and share this process together with you, so I decided to offer a FREE, weekly video tutorial full of tricks and tips to make any of the Be A Superhero patterns through a QAL (quilt-along) for the quilt and SAL (sew-along) for the doll patterns. The weekly videos were recorded LIVE and are now uploaded into their respective Facebook groups. You can watch all the videos for FREE! Just look under the UNITS tab for "Be A Superhero!"
To keep your pieces organized, I designed some FREE downloadable PDF printables for your Be A Superhero quilts. You can go download yours HERE.
There is also weekly TRICKS about using directional fabrics! How do you easily get all your little lightning bolts on these star blocks facing the same direction?! It is fun and simple - trust me!
In the Be A Superhero quilt pattern I teach the 8-at-a-time method for making half-square triangles. It is like MAGIC! If you use this method, you are guaranteed to get all your directional fabrics facing the same way on your star block! YAY!!!! Come check out this video to see what I mean.

Who will you lift up and thank for being a SUPERHERO to you?
Join the Be A Superhero movement and Quilt-a-long at INSPIRED QUILTING Facebook group. We would love to have you be part of this movement and this community!
Pattern Links: 10% of all pattern sales are donated to Caleb's Courage Charity. Read more about Caleb's story HERE!