Fox Cub Quilt QAL Week 2
Come join the Woodland and Arctic Fox families as they join together
on an epic and imaginative, back-country adventure!

Week 2: Cutting & Fabric Placement
Today we are talking about cutting and fabric placement for our Fox Cub Quilt! I need your help deciding if I should make my Artic Fox version as a Fox in Socks? lol.... Join me today (video link below) as we share and discuss what fabrics we are using and placing in each section of the quilt. Also, how to grab your FREE letter labels using the Download Code in your pattern at this direct link: https://www.beesewinspired.com/download-codes


Download and share this graphic if you are joining us for the Forest Friends Doll Panel Sew-Along
Don't forget to share your progress with us, Use the hashtag #ForestFriendsFabric and TAG me with the"@" symbol @beesewinspired, so I can cheer you on!
Use the Hashtags
Purchas Fox Cub Quilt Pattern HERE
Download the Fox Cub Quilt-Along Schedule

November 4 Week 1: Let's Get Ready For Fox Cub
November 11 Week 2: Cutting & Fabric Placement
November 18 Week 3: Main Fox Block Assembly
November 25 Week 4: Piece Border Assembly
December 2 Week 5: Quilt Assembly & Finishing
Download Fox Cub Quilt-Along Fabric Requirements

This QAL is fully supported, with tips and tricks and all the organization you will need, to just relax and enjoy all the cozy sewing.

QAL VIDEO WEEK 2 - Preparation and Cutting
Want more SAL Fun?

The Forest Friends Doll Panel Sew-Along is right NOW.