Hand Binding 101
Binding: Do you love it, or dread it? Do you hand bind, machine bind, embellish.... .

We have been talking about binding methods at Inspired Quilting Facebook Group and we are going to kick off our first FB LIVE of 2021 with a hand-binding tutorial. Wednesday Jan 6 at 2pm CST. . If you haven't joined this FREE Educational FB group yet... You are going to want to! In addition to free tutorials, members questions and inspiration we host a "Special Guest" every month! From fabric designers, to longarm quilters, hand quilting to sewing room organization and more! . We have so much fun, we often have prizes too! You can see the Calendar of Upcoming Events HERE and make sure you join the FREE Inspired Quilting FB Group so you can take part in all the sharing, learning and fun! . #BeeSewInspired #inspiredquilting #quiltingcommunity #facebooklive #buildingcommunity