Join Bee Sew Inspired and Friends as we inspire, encourage, have fun and ORGANIZE our sewing spaces together!

Over the next 8 weeks, we will organize small sections of our sewing / crafting spaces into 8 bite-size pieces. Each week we will focus on different areas to inspire organization and work flow.

No need to get overwhelmed... this is a relaxed and fun approach to cleaning, purging, and organizing in a fun community building way!

Are you interested in organizing along with us? All you need to do is make sure you are a member of one (or both) of the FREE Educational Facebook Groups.
Then join us every week as we tour through a different space of our sewing room. Use these groups to post inspiration in your own room... ask questions of the community on work flow and organizing tips... learn new tips and tricks, meet special guests and prizes! It is going to be so much fun!
You are not on Facebook? No worries. You can still take part by signing up and downloading the weekly schedule. Use the hashtag #organizealong and make sure you tag @beesewinspired. We will be cheering you on. You can also catch the videos on the Bee Sew Inspired YouTube Channel HERE. Make sure you "like" and "subscribe" so that you don't miss each week's videos!

Here is the Organize-Along Schedule!
Want your own downloadable PDF copy.
Sign up on the Bee Sew Inspired home page HERE and you will get the PDF emailed to you instantly!

There are Prizes too!
That's right! As if organizing your room, making new friends and getting inspired wasn't enough... we have PRIZES for you too!!!

We can't wait to get started Organizing-Along with you!!!! Don't forget to sign up on the home page and get ready to have a wonderful, fun and organizing summer!!!