Organize Along Tutorial Week 5
Dresden Project Bag Tutorial
Guest Blogger: Beverly McCullough https://flamingotoes.com

Every week, through the Bee Sew Inspired - Organize-Along, we are hosting guest bloggers! These amazing creatives are sharing with you, a fun and simple tutorial that you can make, to help organize something in your creative space!
Join me and welcoming today's guest blogger, and a dear friend of mine, Beverly McCullough of Flamingo Toes, in celebration of the Bee Sew Inspired - Organize-Along!
You can learn more about Bev at the following links:
Website: https://flamingotoes.com
Instagram: @flamingotoes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlamingoToes

Hi Friends!
My name is Beverly McCullough of Flamingo Toes and I’m so excited to be here as a part of Jennifer’s Organize Along! I am a fabric designer for Riley Blake Designs as well as a quilter and stitcher! One of my favorite things to do is take my stitching along with me wherever I’m going – on trips, to appointments, even just for a long car ride. I like to make up project bags to hold my hoops, thread and scissors, but I often end up with a jumble of thread and notions in the bag during the project. I decided to make up a project bag – this time with pockets!

This sweet bag is so fun to sew up! It is a nice big size – 13” square – and will hold your embroidery or cross stitch, floss, needles and scissors. You could also use it to hold quilting supplies if you are heading out to sew with friends.

Let's Get Started:
You can find the free instructions and materials for this cute Dresden Project Bag on my blog – click here for the tutorial. To add the pocket, you will need an additional piece of fabric for your pocket sized at 14” x 13 1/2”.
1. Follow all the instructions through Step 9. You want to make sure the back piece of the bag is quilted.
2. Fold your pocket fabric in half, wrong sides together, to create a piece 7” x 13 1/2”. Press.
3. Place the pocket so the raw edges line up with the bottom edge and sides of the back piece, on the lining side of the back.
4. Baste the sides of the pocket to the back, 1/8” away from the edges. Sew a seam 2 ¾” from the right side from the top of the pocket to the bottom. Sew another seam 2 ¾” away from the first line.

Feel free to adjust your seams if you want to hold specific items.
Continue assembling your project bag as the instructions show. For this bag, I wanted to try something new with my binding! I used three strands of embroidery floss and did big stitches on the back side of the binding. I really love the contrast the stitching and the added texture.

I’m looking forward to using this bag on my next trip – and having my supplies all organized in my new pockets!

This fun bag is made up in my new Daisy Fields fabric collection – heading to stores this month! If you want to see more of my projects, you can find me on my blog, on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Jennifer, thank you so much for including me in this fun series!

More Inspiration:
Read this week's Blog post about Organizing your threads and "Read All About It" HERE.
Watch this week's Organize Along YouTube video HERE.
Join us EVERY WEEK this summer, for inspiration and free tutorials, to help you organize your creative space! Remember to sign up for the Bee Sew Inspired Newsletter HERE, to make sure you don't miss any great inspiration.
2022 Guest Bloggers:
July 6: Anne Boundy www.saidwithlove.com.au - Week 1: Floss Book Tutorial
July 15: Julia Fraizer www.bayhillstudio.com - Week 2: Grandmother's Groovy Sewing Machine Cover
July 22: Jennifer Long www.beesewinspired.com - Week 3: Ipad Case Tutorial
July 29: Holly Clarke https://hollyclarkedesign.com - Week 4: Quilted Sewing Room Wall Organizer Tutorial
August 12: Lindsay Chieco https://www.instagram.com/linzentart/
August 19: Vickie Zaleski www.crochetingvixen.wordpress.com
August 26: Deb Zaleski https://www.instagram.com/sproutingjubejube/