Quilted Fields QAL Week 2
The farm animals are making hay while the sun is shining! Join these adorable farm friends as they go through their day working the fields, feeding the chicks, driving tractors, and planting the garden.

Week 2: Cutting and Fabric Placement
How does cutting into a NEW project make you feel? To me, it is one of my favorite parts of the entire quilting process! I love unfolding the fresh and crisp fabrics, enjoying the colors and designs and listening to the satisfying sound of the rotatory blade on the cutting mat!

This week we are talking through cutting your fabrics, using directional prints, assigning prints to the various blocks and so much more! You want want to miss all the tips and tricks in this week's QAL video!

QAL VIDEO WEEK 2 - Cutting and Fabric Placement

Download and share this graphic if you are joining us for the Quilted Fields Quilt-Along Don't forget to share your progress with us, Use the hashtag #Quiltedfieldsqal and TAG me with the"@" symbol @beesewinspired, so I can cheer you on!
Purchas The Quilted Fields Quilt Pattern HERE

November 1 - Week 1: Let's Get Ready For Quilted Fields
November 8 - Week 2: Cutting and Fabric Placement
November 15 - Week 3: Pieced Field Block
November 22 - Week 4: Tractor Block
November 29 - Week 5: Quilt Assembly & Borders
This QAL is fully supported, with video tips and tricks and all the organization you will need
to just relax and enjoy all the cozy sewing.

Please feel welcome to comment below the post - your favorite Local Quilt Shops that are carrying #countrylifefabric