Quilted Fields QAL Week 3

Week 3: Pieced Field Blocks
Are you ready for a FUN and STAISFYING week sewing our Quilted Fields together! These "quilted fields" go in a breeze! No fussy angles or corners to worry about this week - It is ALL straight sewing fun!!!

Harvesting a field has NEVER been so quick and satisfying! Join Jennifer this week as we all sew together our Quilted Field blocks. Make sure to hop over to our YouTube channel or Facebook group to get inspired by Jennifer this week and learn this week's Tip and Trick! Accurate 1/4" seam allowances!

QAL VIDEO WEEK 3 - Pieced Field Blocks

Download and share this graphic if you are joining us for the Quilted Fields Quilt-Along
Don't forget to share your progress with us, Use the hashtag #Quiltedfieldsqal and TAG me with the"@" symbol @beesewinspired, so I can cheer you on!
Purchas The Quilted Fields Quilt Pattern HERE

November 1 - Week 1: Let's Get Ready For Quilted Fields
November 8 - Week 2: Cutting and Fabric Placement
November 15 - Week 3: Pieced Field Blocks
November 22 - Week 4: Tractor Block
November 29 - Week 5: Quilt Assembly & Borders
This QAL is fully supported, with video tips and tricks and all the organization you will need
to just relax and enjoy all the cozy sewing.

Please feel welcome to comment below the post - your favorite Local Quilt Shops that are carrying #countrylifefabric