Sweater Season Quilt QAL Week 3


Come join the Woodland and Arctic Fox families as they join together

on an epic and imaginative, back-country adventure!

Week 3: Hat Blocks & Diamond Blocks

Well, it is fitting that THIS week is the "Hat Block" week for the Sweater Season QAL! We have had the most beautiful and mild January winter I can remember... However, February has taken a QUICK turn into the deep-freeze in Prairie Canada, and hats (or toques) are a non-negotiable these days!!!

So let's embrace this week with some FUN sewing! This week is all about easy "stitch and flip". Come join me on the Bee Sew Inspired YouTube Channel for some quick inspiration and motivation as you sew this week's blocks!


QAL VIDEO WEEK 3 - Hat Blocks & Diamond Blocks



Download and share this graphic if you are joining us for the Sweater Season Quilt-Along

Don't forget to share your progress with us, Use the hashtag #sweaterseason and TAG me with the"@" symbol @beesewinspired, so I can cheer you on!


Purchas Sweater Season Quilt Pattern HERE

Sweater Season Quilt Pattern

Download the Sweater Season Quilt-Along Schedule

January 18 - Week 1: Let's Get Ready For Sweater Season

January 25 - Week 2: Cutting & Fabric Placement

February 1 - Week 3: Hat Blocks & Diamond Blocks

February 8 - Week 4: Scarf Blocks

February 15 - Week 5: Knitting Blocks

February 22 - Week 6: Mitten Blocks

March 1 - Week 7: Sweater Blocks

March 8 - Week 8: Quilt Assembly


Download Sweater Season Quilt-Along Fabric Requirements

This QAL is fully supported, with video tips and tricks and all the organization you will need

to just relax and enjoy all the cozy sewing.

It's not too late to join the Sweater Season QAL, sign up HERE